Sunday, March 30, 2014

Noah and Why Modern Day Christians Should Choose Their Battles More Wisely

You can see the salivating at the mere mention of a biblical story being told on the big screen (cue the violins and insert a major eyeroll here).

Christians love when Hollywood decides to spread the gospel of Jesus, but what they fail to realize is that Hollywood is in the business of dollars and cents, and if doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense!

And just like with Son of God, God is Not Dead, and countless other films, they just knew Noah was going to bring thousands to Christ (insert another eyeroll here).

Have you ever seen a movie that made you want to run to the altar and be saved? (Nope, and chances are this one wasn't going to either).

But instead of doing research, Christians hyped this movie, and when they find out that not only does the story veer totally off the course of the original Bible story (which is an interpretation also, but I won't go there right now), the director is also an atheist (their heads roll like something out of a Poltergeist movie), and they begin a social media campaign to discredit the movie and ask other good Christians to boycott the movie (which is total waste of time because the movie is already made and is on course to be the top grossing film for the weekend). And how did social media campaigning work for you when you supported the CEO of Chik-Fil-A or Phil Robertson? It made you look like fools and anything but the "Christians" that you proclaim to be.

Did Jesus ever boycott anything? Did Jesus beat anyone over the head with his message full of judgment and scorn? Nope, he lived by example: he taught love and tolerance). Maybe, you should try it some time. After all, being a Christian is being Christ like correct?

So the next time a "religious" movie comes out, do your research. Scale back your Bible thumping and your Superman on your chest way of letting everyone know that you are a good Christian, and try to actually live like Christ, and show some compassion, some love, some tolerance, and then maybe you can lead more people to him that way, because clearly your current way is not working and making you look bad in the name of Jesus!

Until next time....


  1. Just a little more research and this space could have been put to much better use. Readers, I think, are owed more in the way of presenting the radical work of some artists, kinda like explaining where they coming from. None of that done here, and very little elsewhere as well. I can assure you that there is a story waiting to be told. No doubt subsequent publications will probe for the essence of the concept presented. Then the public can either properly consider or reject.

  2. I appreciate your commentary. Perhaps, you should practice what you preach and offer this "research" that you request. Also, I respect people and their opinions more when they don't post under an anonymous moniker and reveal their true selves. Peace and blessings to you!
