Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mimi Faust and Why People in Glass Houses Should Hold Their Stones

I like ratchet television! I don't apologize for it. Life is stressful, and sometimes I just need mind numbing entertainment, and reality television provides that outlet.

You have to be reality television junkie like me to even get or understand this blog post.

For those of you who do watch, you probably saw the headlines of Mimi Faust's leaked sex tape with her boyfriend Nikko Smith (Mimi is one of the ladies from Love and Hip Hop, the Atlanta edition). It is all anyone is talking about to the point of nausea, and I am personally over it.

Once again, people use this incident as a reason to throw stones from their glass houses (so, as usual I must address this). Let me say, I don't care either way about the sex tape. Porn is not my thing, so I have no desire to watch. Her behavior does not take any food out of my mouth, put any in it, take any money out of my pocket, is not going to send my soul to Hell, does not represent me as an African American. You get the point.

The men are disgusted. Or at least that is what they tell themselves and their wives before going into their man cave areas and viewing to the point of arousal.

Women are disgusted. Or least that is what they say among their girlfriends, but the truth is Mimi got paid for doing in public, what you do for free behind closed doors. Do I need to say it again? She got paid for doing what you do for free! Let that marinate around your consciousness for a moment.

The black elite (You know those mofos who because they are college educated deem themselves the judge and jury of all that is respectable to other blacks) are appalled because she doesn't represent black women well. Guess what? She is one woman out of millions of black women. She is not representing anyone other than herself.

The parents are saying, how could she do that when she is a mother? Well, Stevie J  (her baby daddy) is a father who abuses women, doesn't pay his child support, and has his own sex scenes on live television. Since when should women be held to different standards than men? I forgot. They always are!

The religious groups of course are worried about her soul....Um, worry about your own. As I am sure you probably viewed the sex tape yourself. Oh come on, you know most people who are always Bible thumping are some of the first ones to be guilty of some sex crime (or weakness of the flesh, as they like to explain or justify their behaviors).

This is not about condoning the behavior. But is also not about slut shaming either. It is about each individual's right to make choices. Because it is not your choice, does not make it something to scorn or ridicule. At the end of the day, it is not our business!

Perhaps, you are appalled and disgusted by the sex tape, but you watched. Does that make you any better?  Nope

So I need everyone to take a collective seat. Mind your business, and let people live.
There are so many more important causes and issues that you could give your energy to....I know that I will.

Until next time.....

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