I saw the most crazy thing via the internet: Nick Cannon in white face! First of all, when did mimicking another race's skin tone become the thing to do? In this post racial society, where African Americans are quick to label something racism, you can't be an offending party also.
Mr. Cannon claims he did it to "spark" conversations about race....regardless of his intent, it is racist, insensitive, and in this post racial society, we need to promote healing, not divisive behavior.
And for those of you running to his defense, because of celeb worship or because he is black, or because you feel as African Americans that we have been wronged for hundreds of years, you need to have several seats too!
I am sure if Nick Cannon wanted to spark a real conversation about race, with his money and his celeb status, he can find other ways.
There was a part of me that says nobody takes him seriously anyway, and this is no big deal...but then I thought about the fact that this man makes millions, has a huge amount of followers, and if this was an offense against black people, I would be mad.
Part of the reason that race relations do not improve is that we try to "sweep" what we consider little things under the rug, or when it doesn't affect our specific group or interests, we tend not to care.
We can't be selective or prejudicial in our outrage.
Whether a person is black or white, gay or straight, Christian or non-Christian, if anyone is being targeted, mistreated, or disrespected, we have to speak up, and then and only then can real healing begin!
Until next time.....
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