I just viewed the Melissa H. Perry apology, and let me just say that I am appalled. Not by what she originally said, but the fact that she apologized.
Her original comment and I quote was a joke that maybe Mitt Romney's adopted black grandchild and "Northwest" (Kimye's offspring) would get married, and to see Mitt Romney's reaction over that.
Let me first say, children should never be the source or main topic of anyone's jokes, so if we are viewing this as a right or wrong issue, maybe that part was wrong.
But as a whole, we as a society have to stop feigning surprise and/or disgust when comments target a specific group, whom we deem important or elite, and be nonchalant when another group, whom we do not deem to be important or of a minority, are offended.
Take for example the recent Phil Robertson comments. The lesbian/gay community was highly offended, while the homophobes/Bible thumpers were not, and people just glossed over the fact he also made derogatory comments about African Americans, but we will get to those racist jerks in another blog post, another day.
Or even Mitt Romney himself during his campaign, making comments about the 47% being lazy moochers (thanks to former President Carter's grandson, for finding that little gem), and those individuals being Pres. Obama's base voter. Where was the shock and outrage by mainstream media then?
We are our brother's keeper. What affects one person and/or group affects us all. So you are not gay, black, a woman, or poor, but you should be equally offended if any of these groups are attacked. Stop reserving your outrage only for groups who you care about!
And to Melissa Perry and all other apologists, you felt that way at the time, so stand in your choices...stop with the fake apologies, to save face or to keep your job. If you make unpopular comments, stand by them, because fake or forced apologies after the fact, do nothing but make people who you offended, hate you more, and those who supported you, lose respect for you.
And I am still waiting for those apologies from Mitt and Phil...won't hold my breath though...
Until next time....
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