Monday, June 29, 2015

NBC: You Are A Day Late, and A Dollar Short!

Most are beaming with glee, after Donald Trump was released from his partnership with NBC in terms of his Miss USA Pageant shows and The Celebrity Apprentice. Folks tweeted, and posted on Facebook, their joy, after Trump (which is true to form) made racially insensitive comments toward Latinos and immigration.

But my question is, why now? What is the back story? What or how much did Trump cost NBC for them to make this decision? I say that NBC is a day late, and a dollar short.

Just look at Donald Trump's Twitter feed. He is always saying something racist or sexist. In fact, Trump is the prime leader who started the "Birther" Movement. You know those hacks, who insisted that President Obama was not born in this country, and wanted to see the long form version of his birth certificate (I still to this day, am wondering what a long form birth certificate is, seeing as how I have seen the original and copies of mine, and the information is the same, but okay!).

He is made much of his fortune exploiting African Americans on that cesspool of a show, The Celebrity Apprentice. Remember, the more we argued, fought, and cursed each other out, the higher his ratings were, the more money he took to the bank, and he absolved himself by donating in the name of the winner's favorite charity (insert eyeroll here).

All the while, sometimes while the show was airing and he was exploiting us, saying vile and disgusting things about President Obama, which only a card carrying member of the Klu Klux Klan would utter.

Remember, we have been here before people...can you say Donald Sterling? The Clippers knew for years about his poor treatment of players, his racist remarks, but not until his mistress caught him in a recording for the world to hear, and sponsors started dropping like flies, did the Clippers take action.

So the question for me is, what is NBC's end game? Is this to boost their network ratings, by appearing to take a stand on racist behavior? Did sponsors threaten to pull out? Something occurred that the general public is not privy to, because Donald Trump has been racist, and we have over six years worth of tweets and screenshots to prove it!

Until next time....

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