In today's society, celebrity status is synonymous with ownership, or at least it is the minds of narcissistic individuals who worship them.
When Bruce Jenner was an Olympic gold medalist and was someone who men could worship as a great athlete, or who women could lust after as a good looking man, he was on top of the world, and was everyone's hero.
Now that he has made a very private decision to live HIS truth, he has fallen from grace (not in the traditional sense) but the grace of public opinions who do not agree with HIS personal decisions.
And before you start spouting Bible verses, offering up how disgusted you are, how much you admire him, how beautiful he is, and the list goes on, let me pose a few questions to you:
How much of Bruce's transformation into Caitlyn, affected your personal finances?
How many of you are related to Bruce/Caitlyn?
And if you are pursuing the religious agenda, what does Bruce's transformation, have to do with your soul or personal relationship with Christ?
If the answer to any of these is nothing or none, it means that it is none of your business.
We have an opinion about a myriad of things, doesn't make them our business, doesn't mean that we have all of the facts, nor does it mean we are well versed in what we are speaking about anyway.
Why? Because Americans love exercising their First Amendment rights, well, that is until we become the subject of or have to deal with the consequences of exercising those rights.
The interesting thing is I see Christians posting all types of think pieces and blog posts, which further their religious agendas, but are visibly silent about Josh Duggar molesting his sisters and other victims.
All I hear in regards to Josh Duggar are "forgiveness" and "mistakes". He impacted children's lives, and not just any children, children who were related to him, broke the law, but you are quick to forgive, but not an individual who made a personal decision, which did not affect anyone? This is the God you serve? Well, I don't want any parts of that God!
Then I saw black people, one of the most marginalized and discriminated against populations of people, posting memes from white supremacists ridiculing Bruce/Caitlyn, individuals, who would not spit on you, if you were on fire, but as long as another group is being discriminated against or ridiculed, it is okay? In what parallel universe?
Ask yourself, is what I am doing, or saying helping my fellow man/woman? If not, you might want to keep it to yourself!
Until next time.....
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