A few weeks ago, reports surfaced that Josh Duggar, the eldest of the Duggar brood, had molested a total of five girls (four of which were his sisters and the other a close family friend who he had access to while she was staying with his family). The behavior began when Josh was 14, and one of his victims was as young as five.
TLC, after much public outcry and advertisers dropping like flies, decided to cancel his family's reality show. His parents decided to do damage control with an awkward and maddening interview with Fox's Megyn Kelly, and two his sisters, who were also two of his victims, gave an interview to People Magazine where they defended their brother and claimed the media had victimized them more than their brother ever had.
But notice who is visibly silent through this whole ordeal? The perp himself, Josh Duggar! My question is, why the silence? The statute of limitations has expired. Civil litigation is highly unlikely given than 80% of his victims (at least the ones that we know about) are family members, God has forgiven him (according to his religious nutjob parents), his wife knew for a full two years before marrying him, and is now pregnant with his fourth seed, so why the silence Josh?
The why is because Josh Duggar represents an ever growing and steadfast patriarchy and privilege. Males in this country get away with countless crimes against women and girls, and we just minimize their behavior to "boys will be boys" or we slut shame their victims asking ridiculous questions about what the "victims" did to make them hurt or abuse them.
His parents minimized his behavior. The sheriff who his parents turned him in to was convicted of being in the possession of kiddie porn. His sisters, his victims, apologize for him and minimize his behavior, and his wife co-signed when she married and had children by him. Everyone in his inner circle is either rationalizing, excusing, or protecting him.
Even politicians like Sarah Palin, are turning their angst on celebrities rather than dealing with Josh. Religious zealots are preaching forgiveness and casting stones. Um, newsflash, I guess you'll missed that part in the Bible, which teaches even God only forgives with a confession and a repentant heart.
I have seen neither from Josh Duggar, and I doubt that I will.
Even when confronted with the ugliness of his deeds, his parents sent him to do manual labor. I did the same as 16 for money, and I didn't do anything close to what Josh has done!
The saddest thing in all of this: his victims are left to deal with the aftermath of this alone, while a society which is supposed to protect them, spins and lies to protect their assailant.
Another sad component of this saga, is Josh hasn't been punished or treated, so it is my belief that he is not done with this abhorrent behavior.
For those who enable Josh, you have my disdain! Let's hope there is some kind of justice for his victims, both the known and the unknown.
Until next time....
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