Thursday, July 2, 2015

Black Churches Are Burning, But Whatever!

There have been eight church fires in the two weeks since the Charleston massacre, but there has been radio silence in mainstream media. In fact, the only reason why we know anything is due to the diligence of activists via Twitter.

When the Quiktrip burned in Ferguson after Mike Brown's murder, or when CVS burned in Baltimore after Freddie Gray's murder, many of you flocked to social media to express your outrage. How dare those black savages destroy property. which was the response every low key racist, who is not really a racist because they have black friends or employ black people (insert eyeroll here). Even new blacks (those black people who don't really think that they are black, or black when it is convenient) had scorn for the blacks who made the race "look bad." Mainstream media circled like vultures. They filmed as the buildings burning in the background, and salivated at the ratings opportunity that was afforded to their respective networks, but I haven't heard a peep from any of these groups about the eight black church fires.

Even the federal government is trying to duck and cover. Oh yes, they have already blamed three on either faulty wiring and/or acts of God (Now mind you, many of these churches are hundreds of years old, and have survived up until this point, so I am sure their wiring is fine, and I honestly don't believe God would destroy his own house, but that's just my warped sense of thinking).

It is quite interesting that these fires started happening just as there was a national push and outcry to ban the Confederate flag, but I am sure this has nothing to do with that right? If you believe that, I have a bridge in New Jersey to sell you (unobstructed by Chris Christie of course).

Even prominent church pastors are silent. Donnie McClurkin and T.D. Jakes did not shy away from giving their thoughts on gay marriage, but radio silence on white supremacists burning the house of the Lord I guess is perfectly fine in their eyes. Creflo Dollar can beg via social media for his $65 million dollar jet, but I haven't heard a peep from him, about the very foundation that provides for his pimp, I mean pastoral lifestyle!

One thing is for certain, the nation is getting a front row seat to what happens when white supremacy and privilege are challenged. I think we know how this story will end!

Until next time....

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