Saturday, October 11, 2014

Gay Marriage Doesn't Need a Defense But Your Self-Righteousness and Hypocrisy Do

The human attention span is short. Every few years, there becomes a "pressing" issue, which demands our total attention. We talk about it at length, and thanks to social media, and anyone with a smartphone and internet access, people don't mind sharing their views with you.

Over the last several years, gay marriage has become a hot topic. Christians, gays, heterosexuals, anyone with a voice tries to give his or her input on this subject, to the point that you either don't care or just wish they would find something else to talk about.

On Friday, an Asheville judge refused to uphold Amendment One, thus paving the way for gay unions to be recognized in North Carolina.

People took to social media in droves either to express their jubilation or their disgust, and I must say it was quite hilarious.

Let me just say that at thirty-eight, I am still single, and will probably be so, because the idea of giving half of my stuff to someone, when I have worked so hard to get it, just does not appeal to me. I can get the benefits of marriage without all the bullshit (Take that however you want, judge all you want, your opinions means nada to me).

But I recognize that others have a fascination and/or strong desire to be tied to someone, so I say go for it, whatever your sexuality. Love is love.

It is self-righteous and hypocritical to preach the Bible to someone, unless you have made a lifetime of living by the book.

Do you need me to clarify?

What gives you the right to ridicule, place someone else's life under a microscope or judge, just because you took one fateful trip to the altar during one Sunday service, or weeknight revival, because the preacher "guilt tripped" you into confessing your sins. You know the same preacher who was probably sleeping with some members of your congregation or molesting some of the children, but let's not get sidetracked.

I have known men who have had two women pregnant at the same time, married to neither, but that's okay because they are heterosexual right?

I attended high school with young ladies (I use that term loosely) who had accumulated more sex partners before age 18 and graduating from high school, than I have had in my entire thirty-eight years, but that's okay because they are heterosexual right?

I have seen women knowingly have affairs with other women's husbands, and not only have said affairs, given birth to these men's children, but that's okay because they are heterosexual right?

I have seen married men not only sleep with other women, but sleep with their wives' best friends, family members, but that's okay because they are heterosexual right?

While we are talking about heterosexuality, the Bible and Christianity, let me give you a story. The Pharisees hated Jesus. They were always were looking for ways to catch him in a lie, or try to "trip" him up for not following the law.

One day they brought him a woman caught in adultery. The law was that the two individuals caught were to be publicly stoned. The Pharisees, per their MO, pressed Jesus, while he just stooped on the ground and wrote. Jesus finally stopped and said, and I quote, "He that is among you without sin, let him cast, the first stone." He continued to write on the ground. When he looked up again, only he and the woman remained. He asked her, "Woman where are thine accusers?"...she responded, "Lord, I have none." Jesus responded, "Go ye in peace, and sin no more."

I wrote the above story from my limited Bible knowledge without research, so I may have missed some parts, but you get the point.

See what I just did there? I am making a point about not judging, and I found a scripture and/or story to serve my purpose.

Christians do it all the time, but while you are doing it, make sure that you read the entire book, because I am sure you will find a treasure trove of scriptures that fit both your sins and your shortcomings.

But what it all amounts to in the gay marriage debate, is as humans, we feel it is our duty to be morally superior to others.

As long as I tell little white lies (don't know where that term originated from), I am just a little better than the man who commits adultery. And since, he is committing adultery with a woman, even though he is wrong, because he is having heterosexual sex, he is a little better than the man who chooses to share his bed with another man. It is all a vicious snowballing cycle of blame, judgment, and finger pointing, and it is actually quite childish..

 I am just glad that the "real Jesus" who I have come to personally know, not that fabricated one that you claim to know, doesn't operate like this.

I have one final thought to leave you with many of you were virgins when you got married? If you weren't I don't think you have a leg to stand on, when it comes to what goes on in other people's bedrooms. Because although one fateful trip to the altar may have absolved you of your "sins", it didn't mend those broken hearts that you collected along the way, didn't repair those marriages that you broke up, families that you destroyed. So while God forgave you, there are earthly humans still paying the price for your sins...think about that the next time you wag your tongue about someone's bedroom affairs.

Until next time......

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