Thursday, August 17, 2017

Religion, Love, and Denial Will Not Fight White Supremacy, So Do Something Or Move The Fuck On

I see a disturbing trend in the wake of the violent white supremacist mayhem that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, and they are three group groups, which I want to shut up, and move the fuck out of the way, so real work can be done.

The first group are the religious zealots (Notice I said nothing about God fearing people, strong in faith and action). No, I am talking about the ones of you who every time I crisis like this occurs, you go into slave mode with the singing of spirituals, quoting of scripture, and talking about heaven. You can't tell me that Dr. King didn't pray or love Jesus, or the current Rev. Dr. William Barber doesn't love Jesus and pray, but where would we be as a people, if they just prayed all of the time, and didn't place any action behind it? Then there are the white religious zealots like that Jerry Falwell Jr and Pat Roberts, who no matter what vile, disgusting thing Trump does or says, they support it, and use God as a crutch to justify it. If you can't do the work, I need you to sit down and shut up about your faith. If your Jesus and faith don't compel you to action and to fight for the rights of all people, then you and I don't know the same God!

The next group that works my last damn nerve are the "love conquers hate" "we need more love" "God is love" with the ridiculous emojis, and the selective human interest stories of "kindness". Black folks have experienced slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow, and now cops killing us, so as the great Tina Turner once said, "What does love got to do with it?" How did love solve any of those issues? It doesn't! It is not hate to tell the truth about race. It is not hate to tell racists that you are not taking their shit, and you will beat their asses. It is not hate, rather than "turning your cheek" to give them the cheeks of your asses to kiss. Black folks have tried peaceful....and guess what happens? We got water hoses, billy clubs, attack dogs, and arrests. White supremacists show up with tiki swords, guns, and knives, and what do they get? The police leaving them alone, declaring the area unsafe and retreating, and no arrests; all to protest the removal of Civil War monuments, but eight people just got arrested in Durham for destroying the same monuments. Now how do love and peace solve any of these problems?

The final group that gets on my last ass nerve are those of you in denial. I have people on my social media who are 30 plus years old, clutching pearls, and outright lying about race relations in this country. These individuals are making it seem that this is the first time they have witnessed or experienced racial tension and division in this country. What country did you temporarily visit? Because this Amerikkka that I have been a citizen of for almost 41 years, has always had problems with race. I got people from my hometown lying saying all of the races got along. Just because you were able to slide your brown penis up in Becky's snatch a time or two, does not mean the different races got along. Just because you socialized with people of other ethnic groups at "school" or played on the same sports teams , does not mean that the races got along. Ask yourselves these pertinent questions: How many of you had a boyfriend/girlfriend of a lighter hue, in which you carried on a full relationship with, without any issues from either family?; ask yourself how many times you attended church with people of other ethnic groups?, or how many times you were invited over their homes to spend the nights or for different functions, with the whole extended families there, because that is what friends do.  Meeting at a public place like a park or school, does not equate friendship. My friends invite me to their baby showers, their weddings, their grandchildren's events, private, intimate spaces, which illustrate they actually love and value me...but I have real friends, not associates. Children nine and younger were born during the Obama era, so I expect the naivete, as it relates to race relations, but you grown rusty mofos, need to tell the truth and shame the devil, because right now you are being intellectually obtuse, and downright untruthful with this pearl clutching, and rewriting of history.

The only way we are ever to solve our problems with race, is to be honest. If you don't want anymore Charlottesville, and whatever transpires from that, then you need to be more proactive. Get off your knees in prayer, and get on your feet in action. Prayer is good, but some work needs to come along with it also. For all of you "love" people, love until your cup runneth over, but also let racists know that you are not tolerating their bullshit. For the ones in denial, you need some truth serum, because until you tell the truth, you are doing more harm than good.

Until next time....

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