Tuesday, July 25, 2017

John McCain: Empathy, Not Sainthood

Both Republicans and Democrats alike, were speechless after learning that Sen. John McCain had brain cancer, the same brain cancer that took the lives of former Sen. Edward Kennedy, and Beau Biden. This type is inoperable and incurable.

There was a Facebook video going around, which shows a town hall during the 2008 campaign, where a racist white woman says she didn't trust Obama because he was a Muslim. McCain defends Obama and says he isn't, and white liberals retweeted that video on my Twitter timeline no less than a thousand times. Mention John McCain's name and all you hear about is his decorated war history and his five year stint as a POW. His courage and valor.

I am saying miss me with all of that bullshit!

This is the man who unleashed Sarah Palin on us. Out of all of the smart, capable women in this country who he could have chosen as his running mate, he chose the dumbest one that he could find, and like a bad infection, she and her brand of stupid will not go away. I blame him for giving that idiot a platform in the first place.

Remember John McCain has been an elected official since 1982, and 99.9% percent of the time, he has voted for programs, which royally screwed over black and brown people, stripped women of their rights to agency over their own bodies, and cut spending to programs that largely service the poor.

He also voted against the MLK holiday bill. Who doesn't think Dr. King deserves a holiday, other than a two bit racist?

Even as we speak, our elected officials are voting on a bill to repeal Obamacare, a move, which could strip over 22 million people of their healthcare. Mind you Sen. McCain just got out of the hospital, out of intensive care, not even physically capable of doing a full day's work, just to vote and strip millions of their healthcare, while receiving a six figure salary, and top of the line healthcare, at your taxpayer expense.

So you can have empathy for John McCain and his cancer battle, but your can also take his racist ass to task for voting for and supporting programs, which screw you as a black or brown person, women, and other marginalized groups over, in his quest to remain loyal to a party, which believes that political party affiliation is more important than the basic needs and rights of the country's citizens.

I choose instead to save my empathy for my neighbors, friends, and family, who are battling cancer without the six figure taxpayer salaries and government and taxpayer funded healthcare.

Until next time....

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