Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kevin Hart and Fake Apologies

I can’t stand fake apologies. If you have done me wrong, I would rather that you remain silent than to insult my intelligence and the sanctity of our relationship, and issue an apology that you don’t mean.

When you apologize to protect your brand, to toss and floss for social media followers, or because you got caught, those apologies are fake and insincere, proving that you are not genuine, and if the circumstances were the same, you would do the same, just be more careful next time.

This is how I feel about Kevin Hart’s apology to his wife and kids via Instagram because his sidepiece threatened to extort him and reveal his abhorrent behavior with her.

As more news comes to light, not only did Kevin cheat on his pregnant wife, his choice was not one, but two strippers, and they only reason why he “fessed up” (confessed for the Ebonics challenged) was because the young ladies threatened him with exposure if he didn’t pay them.
So, let me sum it up for you: Kevin cheated, and only came clean because his sidepiece threatened to expose him. He was too cheap to pay the money that she asked for, so he thought he would get ahead of the story by confessing, and even donated to Hurricane Harvey relief to throw everyone off his story (rolls eyes).

There are those of you who say this is not our business, it’s between Kevin and his wife. I call bullshit. Kevin involved all of us when he posted his personal business via social media. Kevin involved us in his business when he paraded his former “sidepiece” around as his “rib”, which is a biblical principle (read Genesis if you are Bible challenged). Kevin involved us in his business when he made his whole stand up routine, Laugh at My Pain with soliloquies about how he cheated on his first wife, Torrei Hart. He even created a show, Househusbands of Hollywood, where he creates parodies of his ex-wife as being money hungry, loud, obnoxious, and hell bent on making his life miserable, while he tries to move on. However, in this parody, he conveniently leaves out the part where he cheated, but I digress.

Ultimately, what I am saying is that Kevin’s latest shenanigans are not a simple temporary lapse of judgment or bad decision making. It is just simply part of his character. He cheated on his first wife, with the current one, and now he is cheating on her with others. The only thing is that this time he is rich, this wife is younger, and it happened in less time. He made money and got rich off celebrating his cheating, so why should we feel sympathy or run to his rescue now?

But we as the black community love putting on our capes to play Captain Save a Negro, and usually, it involves someone who would not spit on us if we were on fire. Remember OJ? The black community rallied around him in 1994/1995, even though he hadn’t stepped foot in the community since his divorce from first wife, Marguerite! People Magazine did an interview with this same Kevin Hart in 2016. They tried to get him to speak on the disparities in roles for African American actors/actresses, and how unfair the award system was, and you know what his response was, “Stop complaining and do the work.” So, I ask you, why cape for Kevin now? He had the opportunity to use his platform and brand for the good of his people, and he took the coon’s way out, so I say fuck him! He made his bed, let him lie in it, and let him accept whatever repercussions come his way.
I will save my sympathy for his children, both the living and unborn, because clearly, they have a fool for a father. I will save my sympathy for those in the black community like Colin Kaepernick who risked his career to stand up for the oppressed, and all those African American celebrities who despite the harm or threat of harm to their brands and/or careers, speak up for us anyway.

Until next time….


  1. Absolutely. I have no damns to give for his apology. His actions speak for themselves. He's a fraud. My only concern is his kids, sad they have a *uckboy for a father. We need to stop conceding the moral high ground for people with no integrity. He made it our business by building his career partially on the back of his first wife.
