As I have stated unequivocally before, the only political concern I have, is make sure Donald Trump's racist, sexist, ass never sees any parts of the White House, and the rest is bullshit.
But this past week, I have seen some disgusting stuff from the Bernie Sanders' camp, so much so, I worry about the mental health of some of you, if he doesn't clinch the nomination. Attacking folks on social media, in public, crying, belly aching are not the symptoms of a "revolution", more like the signs of someone who needs some serious psychotropic drugs. I need for you'll to chill out.
Let's put this in mathematical terms. Bernie is over 250 pledged delegates behind. That is without superdelegates. He is over 3 million popular votes behind. The math is not in his favor!
Let's put this in 2008 election terms. Obama lost the popular vote to Hillary. (You know the same Hillary who you say is part of the "establishment", Wall Street shill, who is rigging the current election) THAT Hillary. Now, if she lost to a black man eight years ago, a black man who was a junior senator, who was a rumored Muslim, and who lives in a country, where most white folks would rather shoot us, and wouldn't spit on us if we were on fire to put it out). The only way Obama secured the nomination was because of the superdelegates, which is what you Bernie Sanders' supporters keep crying is corrupt about the system. Now riddle me this! If the system is corrupt (I am going to play along with your craziness for a moment), how is the system rigged for a black man, who your racist relatives can't stand, but not for a privileged white man? If the system is rigged for Hillary, why didn't she win in 2008?
Bernie is not Jesus! I know he is white, just as old, and promises free stuff, but he ain't Jesus! Some of you have severed friendships, relationships, got your asses blocked and deleted on social media, and you are still talking revolution and being annoying. I love Barack all day every day, voted for him twice, but he ain't destroying my relationships with nobody who I truly care about. Get a damn grip!
While we are on revolution talk, have you ever truly looked at Bernie's record? Okay, so he has about two pictures (all I have seen) in the 1960's, one of him marching, and the other of him getting arrested (once). Martin Luther King he is not! Dr. King was arrested over 30 times, and took a bullet for us. I think that trumps Bernie's two black and white 1960's photos. But to hear the average Bernie supporter tell it, he was marching side by side with King, like he was Rep. John Lewis or Ralph Albernathy. Get a damn grip!
You do know according to his 2014 taxes (the only year he released by the way), he and his wife made over 200K in income, (over 100K of that is your tax dollars for his Senate seat), they have three mortgages, investments, and retirement (you know those establishment items that he tells you to fight against). How many of you own three homes, make over 200K? Dr. King when he died, had income from his ministry, did not own the home he lived in, and was a pauper (that is revolutionary), not a paid government official. I brought up Dr. King because some of you are equating Bernie's civil rights work to his (rolls eyes).
Let's also look at black people living in Vermont. For every five people, three are in prison, and the other two are as poor as church mice, doing worse than the national average for blacks. Now, if he was going to create a "revolution" and be the savior of black people, why are the ones in his state fairing so poorly (These are facts available via a simple Google search, so don't shoot the messenger).
He voted for the 1994 crime bill! You can explain, excuse, condone, or do whatever you want, but his vote was yes on the bill. Vermont even had its own version on the state level in 1993, which he supported. He even used his vote on the 19994 crime bill, as a selling point for his 2006 Senate seat bid, so let's not rewrite history and solely blame the mass incarceration of black men on Hillary and Bill (By the way, Hillary was a First Lady, which is a title given based upon to whom you are married, but has no voting power).
I am going to tell you Bernie supporters this, once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Ghost: Let It Go, Let It Go, Let It Go!
Bernie has lost; Hillary is the Democratic nominee, and it is time to defeat Trump! You don't like her, So what! I didn't know choosing a president was about being BFF's! She lies and has questionable morals. So does any politician who is alive and breathing. I am sure that you do also; it's just your sins aren't available via a Google search,and you are not in the public eye, but I know some of you, and I can tell you, you are no better, so have a judgmental row of seats!
Because I don't want to live in an America where Trump is in control. That is not what my forefathers fought and gave their lives for. That is not who we are as human beings and as a country. We are fractured, imperfect, and have a great deal of work to do, but we are better than a Trump presidency.
So if it means swallowing your pride, eating some crow, and voting for someone who you do not like, then you will deal! And if you still have reservations, it means you are too privileged to be affected anyway and too privileged to care about those less fortunate than you!
Until next time....
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