Monday, May 30, 2016

I Don't Give a Fuck About Harambe, and If You Do, Check Your Brain

I am almost 40, and there are times when I think we have finally reached the height of human depravity. That we can't sink any lower as a race of people, and when I refer to race in this case, I am talking about the human race.

But here we are in the year 2016, when a reality show producer is the nominee and leader of a major political party, and people value animals over human life.

If you have been under a rock because of the holiday, there is a video circulating around the internet of Harambe, a 450lb African gorilla being held in captivity at a Cincinnati zoo. Well, recently a 4 year old fell into the gorilla pit (Some say jumped or intentionally went in, depends on what racist piece of shit you ask, but okay), and to retrieve the young boy, the zoo attendants made a decision to kill the gorilla.

And here is where the story borders on insane. I watched the video, and my heart literally almost stopped as a saw a four year old, who was probably all of 40lbs being dragged across murky water, fully clothed, and screaming to get away from the 450lb beast. That is where it ends for me. You can say that the gorilla was "protecting" the child. You can say the parent was negligent. You can say the animal didn't deserve to be killed.

Now let's tackle the protection aspect. What is safe and secure, at four years old, of being dragged across water, where the animal has probably defecated in, by your arm, while screaming at the top of your lungs, not knowing if the animal is going to hurt you? Think about the physical size of a four year old, coupled with the cognitive development of the child...regardless of the gorilla's intent, the child just had a traumatizing experience, but no, let's talk more about the protection that the gorilla was doing.

Let's talk about the negligence of the parent, because after all, on the internet and social media everyone is the perfect parent (rolls eyes). Some of your children have goose eggs from sibling fights while you are present, some of them have burn marks from placing their hands on your stove, broken bones and bruises from falls, climbing trees(all while you were present). Some of you have even temporarily "lost" your children while in public, but have the nerve to judge and shame another mother because her child fell into a gorilla pit.

Let's talk about the animal's death. Now once the gorilla had control of the child, what other options were there? Gorillas are highly intelligent, but I don't think simply walking up to one and asking, "Would you please release the child?" would be enough to save a 40lb child from a 450lb gorilla. Some of you have suggested tranquilizing the are you going to get close enough to do so, without agitating and making the situations worse? Also, do you know how long it would take the medication for an animal of that size to feel the effects, all while a four year old is being traumatized?

My only concern is the child. He is safe, and that's all that matters for me. Although I have always valued human life over an animal's. And if anything other than this child's well-being and safety is a concern for you, you are probably racist as hell, voting for Donald Trump, married one of your relatives, and are visibly silent when black people are murdered, you know you are part of the "all lives matter" crew.

Until next time.....

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