Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I Don't Need a Pastor or a BFF; I Need a President

With Ted Cruz and John Kasich dropping out of the race this week, Donald Trump is officially the Republican nominee. In this year of our Lord 2016, we have a racist, misogynist, bad toupee, serial cheating, bankruptcy filing, reality tv star as the leader of one of our two major political parties.

On the Democratic side, you have Hillary. Yes, Bernie Sanders' fans; she will be the nominee. Bernie can raise money, you can bash Hillary 24/7 on social media, and you can lament about how crooked you think she is, how she is a war hawk, how she secretly hates black people, campaigned for a racist Goldwater when she was 16 (I didn't know we had lowered the voting age to 16, but okay)...did I miss anything?

Let me tell you privileged people something: Hillary with all of her imperfections is a better choice than Trump. Trying to compare the two is being intellectually dishonest, and is coming from a place of privilege (meaning you are white and are privileged enough to be okay regardless of who wins). But if you are black (Yes, you black Bernie Sanders' supporters are black too), a woman, a member of the LGBT community, and are essentially not a straight white male, you don't have the privilege of a Trump presidency.

So for those of you saying you are not going to vote. That is a vote for Trump. For those of you "revolutionaries" saying you are going to write Bernie's name in on election day (He is 3 million votes and 300 delegates behind now, so my math tells me, that is a wasted vote, which is a vote for Trump), snap out of it, put your big boy drawers and big girl panties on, and get with the program. You are not "woke", revolutionary, or politically astute, or progressive, if you allow Trump in office. What you are, is a  spoiled, privileged individual, having a hissy fit, because you didn't get the candidate who you wanted and are willing to throw other marginalized groups under the bus (women, blacks, immigrants, LGBT, anyone not a straight white male) so you can be right.

At the end of the day, I want a POTUS not a BFF or a pastor. I have both, and I am fine with my choices for both. We need a leader. Someone with experience who can take that 3AM call and not get us nuked in the process.

So between now and November, if you need to be slapped around, need a lobotomy, or your ass kicked to help you make an intelligent, informed voting decision, just call me, because I am more than willing to oblige.

Until next time...

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