Oprah gave a fantastic speech during the Golden Globe Awards. It was nine minutes of pure black girl magic. She gave us a historical lesson, a feminist critique, an admonishment to men to do better in how they treat women, and hope for the future, where women feel free to live without the threat of sexual assault or harassment.
Her speech was so hopeful, there were murmurs that she should run for POTUS in 2020! And this is when all hell broke loose.
Racist whites said, enough with entertainers for president, when 62 million of their racist, sexist asses voted for a reality star, pussy grabbing, Dotard, who is not even as literate as the average 4th grader (I know because I was accepted into the AG program in 4th grade, and both my peers and I, could read and write circles around him, even at nine years old). Oprah is cool as long as she is entertaining your racist asses in a movie or on her talk show, but you'll be damned if her black ass is in control of the country! Even the so called liberals (the Hillary and Bernie cultists, were naysayers, because for them liberation and excellence only come in the form of a white man/woman senior citizen, when the Democratic base is women and minorities! I see every one of your racist asses, and it didn't take much for you to reveal your hoods!).
Then there is ashy woke Twitter. These are the blacks who because they have a few credentials behind their name, and dump thinkpieces left and right, or because they are so "woke" they are the procurers of everything black. They tell black people who to vote for, who is best for them. They rally cry, that they are feminists (only if they personally like the woman, otherwise, she is a bitch), and only support those who kiss their asses!
Now I have never actually heard Oprah say that she wanted or would run as POTUS. But guess what? If she does, one of her votes come from me. Why not? This country has elected 45 men, who never had run a country before, the first 12 of which owned slaves, and after Bush Jr, and Trump, no white person or man should say anything.
Oprah understands foreign policy, as she has rubbed shoulders with some of the greatest world leaders, built schools in Africa, funded several hundred African girls' educations, running a successful network, a successful nationally syndicated show for 25 years, employed thousands over the last 30 years, transformed her life from extreme poverty to become a self-made billionaire (There was no daddy to give her a million to start off like Trump, nor has she ever filed bankruptcy six times like him), and influences culture from Millennials to Baby Boomers. If anyone has the "juice", and the knowledge to hire and surround herself with capable people to compensate for those areas that she may not be well versed in.
So I say to you, why not Oprah, if that is what she desires? Perhaps, if you take off the hoods white people, or black people made if you stop with the self-hatred, you could see that a trained seal would be a much better choice, than the shitfest that we have now!
Until next time....
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