Yesterday, as the big "October surprise" which is common in any election cycle, audio was released of a 2005 interview between NBC correspondent Billy Bush (first cousin to Jeb and Dubya) and Donald Trump. In the released audio, Trump brags about groping women, and basically describes a full on sexual assault. Bush cheers him on, and even encourages his married co-worker, Nancy O'Dell to hug Trump, even though she was the subject of the rapey tirade.
GOP leaders took to social media to denounce Trump's comments (not their endorsements), and feigned disgust.
My question is, where has this disgust been for the last 40 years?
Where was your disgust in the 1970's, when Trump failed to rent to black people, in any of his properties?
Where was your disgust in 1989, when he falsely accused five black men of murder (Central Park 5), and pushed for their executions when DNA evidence later exonerated them?
Where was your disgust in the last 18 months of his campaign where he has likened Mexicans to rapists, all Muslims as terrorists, and basically had venomous things to say about anyone who wasn't white?
Now you are outraged? Why? Because Trump committed a sin, broke the 11th commandment, "Thou shall not disparage or disrespect a white woman!
If you are mad at this statement, where has your anger been the last 40 years of Trump's vileness?
If you are mad at this statement, you should be equally as mad that a reality television producer is the leader of a major political party.
If you are mad at this statement, be mad for the millions of rape victims triggered with PTSD because of Trump's rapey comments.
If you are mad at this statement, be mad for every person of color, who he has managed to offend, disparage, and disrespect over his lifetime!
Until next time.....
When did Trump ever respect women? He said vile things about them constantly. In fact, he insisted that it was something that every man did in locker rooms, and many men have agreed with him. It seems heartbreaking to me that a sensitive person like you hasn't noticed the incessant drumbeat of horrifying comments he has made about women. It makes me feel as if treating women like shit is so normal that it doesn't even register as offensive at all until it is so extreme--that he bragged about actually committing crimes against women--that it was impossible to ignore.