Monday, September 7, 2015

What Most of You Got Wrong About Kim Davis

"And Jesus said unto them, "Render unto Caesar those things that are Caesar's and unto God those things that are God's, and they marvelled at him." Mark 12:17.

I guess in most Christians' haste to jump on a religious bandwagon, especially in their ever tiring crusade against gay people (rolls eyes), they just conveniently skipped over this scripture.

Let me explain to those of you, who are slow and so caught up in your righteous indignation. It means that you most follow both the laws of the land and God's laws. It did not say that you could pick or choose either. You must follow BOTH! I placed that in capital letters because some of you seem to forget that you haven't ascended to Heaven yet, and you are still a mere mortal bound by the laws of the land.

Most of you have jumped on the bandwagon of supporting Kim Davis, because that is the good Christian thing to do. She is a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. If you had conducted research on her background, rather than jumping on a bandwagon, you would know this Bible thumping troll has been married three times herself. (Divorce is against God's law, except for adultery, FYI), she has an illegitimate child by a married man, and not only did she refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, but she refused several heterosexual couples who did not meet her standards how stupid do you feel for jumping on this bandwagon?

Kim Davis is an elected official, who has sworn an oath to not only uphold the Constitution, but local and state laws where she holds her position. She could have easily resigned. Government officials do it all of the time, usually amid scandal, but she actually had the opportunity to exit gracefully. But no, in drama queen and true troll fashion she had to refuse to obey the law, pretend to be religiously persecuted. So now we as a public have to be subjected to the Lifetime movie, the book deal, the media interviews, and all of the drama behind her pseudo religious crusade.

Let me tell you modern Christians something. God is bigger, more knowledgeable, richer, more powerful than you, so I don't think that he needs for you to fight his battles.

Let me tell you what he does need. For you to be a little less hypocritical. This means focus on the sins that you are committing rather than constantly thumping your chests and your Bible against your fellow man. Stop asking him for more stuff for your greedy selves. Instead pray for your fellow man who is less fortunate. Above all, represent him through your daily life through your 24/7 good deeds, and not only when folks are watching you.

Maybe then people will respect you more, your religious beliefs, and actually believe in the God, who you say that you represent!

Until next time.....

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