Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Classicism is Worse Than Racism or Sexism

I was sitting in Chik-Fil-A on yesterday enjoying my cookies and cream milkshake. It was terribly slow, then again, it was the middle of the day.

Even one of the workers commented on how slow it was to her fellow co-workers, although her commentary kind of rubbed me the wrong way. She said the following, and I am paraphrasing here: "It is awfully slow in here today. I guess the welfare mothers didn't get their checks yet."

Have you ever heard something, but wished that you hadn't, or hoped that the person repeated it, thinking maybe you misinterpreted what the individual said? Nope, I heard her correctly.

Here is a woman who is probably barely making above minimum wage herself, snubbing her nose at what she considers a welfare mom.

It got me to thinking about the state of our world. Bruce Levenson and Donald Sterling have enough money to get away from black people, who they feel better than. White people without their level of money, like George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson just murder our boys in cold blood, when they don't have the money or means to get away from us.

Black intellectuals and the middle class snub their nose at the blacks who they consider to be better than them, by calling them ghetto and ratchet, criticizing every thing they do, which they feel shames the race, rather than mentoring and giving back.

Even when I lived in Florida, where there is a huge Hispanic population. Puerto Ricans really took offense if you called them "Mexicans"...not because there was such a deep pride in their culture, but because they felt Mexicans were beneath them.

At the root of all this hatred, is classicism. We have to do better! We have to teach our children, our young people, that just because you have achieved, just because you may have moved beyond past circumstances, just because you have amassed a certain amount of materialistic possessions, does not make you better than your fellow man.

Ever heard of the phrase, "here today, gone tomorrow."? This is the case for many and their materialistic possessions. Many of us are only a paycheck or a catastrophic illness away from poverty.

Let's do better, be better. Because we are all our brother's keeper!

Until next time....

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