It's not deep; it's not some long scientific explanation or nuanced conversation; Trump won because 59 million people in this country are deplorables.
When Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters, deplorables during her campaign, Conservatives and Republicans lost their minds, and even wishy washy Liberals thought she should have apologized, but she was telling the unadulterated truth. In fact, I would imagine had she had a penis the fallout would have been a lot less (Yes, I used the woman, sexism card, because it is true, especially as far as she is concerned).
But even more than being deplorable individuals, 59 million of you said Trump's racism, sexism, Islamphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and any other phobias, were not enough of a deal breaker for you to put our country and its success over your personal selfish needs.
Fifty-nine million of you said your hatred for Hillary was more important than having a competent, inclusive leader.
Fifty-nine million of you said, upholding white supremacy was more important than this country's best interests. Sixty-two percent of white men, and 53 percent of white women voted for him. Let me put this in numbers that you can understand: For ever 200 white people who voted, (there are millions), 115 of you voted for Trump. So you can stop blaming those who didn't vote, the Democratic Party for choosing Hillary (Bernie would not have won either), Millennials, third party voters, etc. My white brothers and sister, this is totally on you. You are the majority! If you didn't personally vote for Trump, I am sure that some of your fellow family members, neighbors, and friends did.
And just like many of us who did not vote for the orange Cheeto suspected, he is filling his cabinet with white nationalists, misogynists, homophobic individuals, Islamphobic individuals, in essence: a basket of deplorables~
So you can stop with the "not all white people rhetoric", you can stop with the faux tears and the move on messages, you can stop with the I am not racist and some of my best friends are black, you can stop with the we are all brothers and sisters talk. When you stepped into the voting booth and voted for this "man" (I use that term loosely), you told me and every marginalized person in Amerikkka what you truly thought about us, so save the rhetoric now.
For every marginalized person (blacks, Latinos, black women (white women sold you out by over half voting for Trump), LGBTQ community, the Islamic community, it is time to take inventory of your inner circle. It is time for you to delete those individuals who do not see your worth, who aren't invested in your success, and who are not lending their voice and bodies to fight for your equal rights and treatment.
If you are taking offense to these words, rather than trying to mobilize and fight the orange tyrant who white people just elected, you are part of the problem, and I want nothing to do with you!
Until next time......
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