Politico first dropped the story that former slave, great emancipator, and fearless leader, Harriet Tubman would now adorn the $20 bill. At first, I wanted to think that I was dreaming; surely, they weren't going to put a black face on U.S. currency, and not just any black face, but a former slave, who not only became free, but who illegally freed thousands of others.
One of my most favorite quotes, by the late, great Harriet Tubman, "I would have freed millions more, if they had actually known that they were slaves." Which brings me to my next points!
No sooner than the post appeared online, than the Ashy Negro brigade reared its ugly heads. The Ashy Negro brigade, are those African Americans who think they are the litmus test of all that it takes to be an African American (You know the ones who are pro-Bernie Sanders because he is the great white savior, hate anyone who has the last name Clinton, who hate anyone who makes us look bad, and who are constantly on social media posting and telling other African Americans what to think, what to do, how to live, basically, being self-righteous assholes).
Some argued that Harriet would not want her picture on the very currency, which profited from her labor. What? First of all, none of you Ashy Negroes were alive during Harriet's lifetime, so you have no clue of what her wishes were. My gut feeling tells me anyone who risked life and limb to bring liberation to others, would probably feel honored, but that is just my warped sense of thinking.
Then there is the Ashy Negroes who took issue with the fact that that Andrew Jackson would still be on the back. Newsflash! Who looks at the back of their money? Second, if she is on the front, every white racist still has to look at her black face when they pull their 20's out of the ATM machine and out of their wallets. I certainly pull out and handle my money face up, but maybe I am just strange that way (rolls eyes)!
Finally, there is the group who was wondering could they find another, more aesthetically pleasing picture of her. This is the one that really floored me! This woman brought liberation and safety to many enslaved, some of which were probably your family's descendants, and you are concerned because her "picture" isn't pretty enough? What kind of animals raised you? No, I mean, who are the wilder beasts that are responsible for your level of stupidity?
I don't follow the crowd, nor do I allow the collective opinions of others to dictate my happiness or to decide what is important to me. One hundred and fifty-three years ago we were slaves, and now one of our heroes is going to be on U. S. currency! I am happy!
Is racism over? Hell no! Do African Americans still have many uphill battles to fight? Of course, we are still living and breathing aren't we? But I am going to take my joy where I can get it, and seeing Harriet's black face on my 20's, fills my heart with unspeakable joy. By the way, if you are so offended, you can pass your 20's on over to me, and I will gladly spend them, and thank you, and Harriet in the process!
Until next time....
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