There is this sickening move to "canonize" people when they die. They could have been the most morally bankrupt individual this side of the Mississippi, but when they die, church people try to transplant them to heaven themselves. If you tell the truth, you get responses like, "Only God can judge", "he has the last say," "don't speak ill of the dead." The rhetoric is strong and nauseating. But aren't you'll judging or trying to do God's job by trying to canonize or place the individual in heaven? The greater the person's prominence in church, the more dissent you receive!
Well, it's time to tell the truth about Eddie Long! (Yes, I know he was a "bishop", but his mama named Eddie, so I am going to call him Eddie). The truth is this man who was pastor of a megachurch with a population of 25K was a child molester! Receive this three times: one for the father, one for the son, and one for the holy spirit.
We can argue semantics all day. The state of Georgia lists the age of sexual consent at 16. For you parents, out there, how comfortable are you with your 16 year old consenting to sex with someone who is three times their age? As with any child predator, Eddie Long "groomed" these boys prior to the predatory sex. He sought them out. Four boys, raised by single women, who were poor, who he felt he could seduce with trinkets (clothes, jewelry, out of town excursions, etc). This all started when these boys were around 14-15. He was smart and strategic enough to build their trusts by playing the part of a father figure, and their spiritual advisor as their pastor. I am sure some screwed up theology probably played a role as well. Then when they became legal age, the sex began! Again, I ask you, what parent would be okay with an almost 50 year old, married man, with children older than his victims, would be okay with said man having sex with your 16 year old? The adult, 40 year old me, says my 16 year old self was not mature enough, worldly enough, or savvy enough to consent to sex with someone three times my age. I am asking you to think like a rationale adult and a parent, not a mindless sheep in awe of this mega pastor.
Eventually, Eddie was exposed. Of course, he denied it, and he and his heathen church members set out on a quest to defame and discredit his accusers. But what he did not do, is actually fight their civil suits. No what Eddie did was paid them "hush" money, and swore them to not to talk about their allegations. Therefore, they were made to look like money grubbing golddiggers, reprobate gay men, and any other negative connotation the church people could find to vilify them. Eddie on the other hand, never apologized (he paid hush money, so it is always his word against theirs), he kept his church, and his mindless sheep, I mean members, still hung on his every word with each given Sunday.
So why does this bother me so much? Because Eddie is the worst kind of sinner: an unrepentant one. If you believe in the Bible and the idea of sin, one of the tenets to becoming a Christian is being sorry and repentant! If you never admit wrongdoing or contrition, then you can't be forgiven....isn't that what the Bible says, or did I read a different book from the rest of you? So by Eddie never admitting his sin (molesting these boys), he can't be forgiven. So why you all are trying to catapult him into heaven, keep in mind that he has left carnage in the form of four men, who revered him as a father figure and their spiritual advisor. The trajectory of their lives are forever changed, and all you care about is your hero worship of a man, who was only interested in his private jet, his expensive suits, his S-curl. To add insult to injury, while Eddie was fleecing his flock, he was also preaching damning messages against homosexuality, leading anti-homosexual rallies, and even trying to convert his homosexual members via conversion therapy. (This is all available via Google if you don't believe me).
So while you are praising the good bishop's name (There is also a commandment about having other gods by the way), vilifying his victims, justifying his atrocious behavior with your "no judging" cliches, there are real lives he touched, and not in a spiritual way, but in a sexual, carnal, and very predatory way, and for that, I don't grieve nor I am sympathetic towards him. I save those feelings for those four young men whose lives he changed forever!
Until next time.....
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
You Will Not Normalize Trump To Me: Not Today Satan
Inauguration Day is less than a week away. January 20th is the day designated according to the Constitution for the official changing of presidential administrations, and I am seeing a strange pattern among my fellow Americans, instead of resistance, you are giving up. Instead of calling out Trump's deplorable behavior, you are trying to normalize; well, my response is the same mantra that I use for life: "Not today Satan."
Before you go normalizing his behavior, why don't we run down a list of his most blatant transgressions.
1. 1970's-Donald Trump was relatively new to the real estate market, but guess who he outright refused to rent or having any business dealings with? You got it, black people! The man who is now supposed to represent the entire American population, discriminated against a large segment.
2. Central Park 5.-In 1989, just a little over a decade after he refused to rent or lease to blacks, he falsely accused four black boys, and a Hispanic one of raping a female jogger. Even though DNA evidence has since cleared them, as late as 2016 and while on the campaign trail, he still defamed their characters, and has never publicly apologized.
3. He raped his first wife! Ivana Trump, mother to three oldest children, once accused Trump of rape. However, Trump had the accusations and records sealed as part of the divorce agreement.
4. He is on tape saying he likes to grab women by the private parts. Remember this admission and the actions that cost Billy Bush, an NBC News anchor, his coveted position with the network.
5. Several Miss America contestants have accused him on inappropriate touching and/or being in their dressing rooms while they undressed.
6. Publicly questioned President Obama's citizenship, which led to the rise of the Birther Movement, which in turn forced President Obama to show a long form copy of his birth certificate. He led this campaign for five straight years.
7. A young lady who was a 13 year old when she encountered Trump, accused him of molesting her. She had a pending court case, as late as October of this year.
8. He has publicly called Mexicans rapists.
9. He has publicly called all Islamic citizens members of ISIS.
10. Brought former mistresses' of Bill Clinton to the second debate and sat them in the press box as an intimidation tactic towards Hillary, circled her like a vulture during the entire debate, and told her publicly that he was going to "lock her up."
Do I need to go on? So no, you will not normalize this man to me.
If you are that weak, and chicken hearted, that you want to play along to get along, go ahead, but don't criticize or open your mouth to me when I give him just as much disrespect, passive aggression, racism, Islamphobia, as his has given President Obama and so many others. If you are a Christian, with your "God is in control," and I am going to pray my way through shenanigans, you need to find another church and pastor, because you are being spiritually bamboozled. If you are white and saying, get over and let it go, this means your ass is too privileged to be affected by his shenanigans. If you are black and talking that get along foolishness, I am going to remind your black ass that you are indeed black, after I violently cuss (not curse) your stupid, Uncle Tom ass out! And until we find a suitable replacement for President Obama, he will always be my president, and the only Donald who I will acknowledge is Donald Duck.
Until next time....
Before you go normalizing his behavior, why don't we run down a list of his most blatant transgressions.
1. 1970's-Donald Trump was relatively new to the real estate market, but guess who he outright refused to rent or having any business dealings with? You got it, black people! The man who is now supposed to represent the entire American population, discriminated against a large segment.
2. Central Park 5.-In 1989, just a little over a decade after he refused to rent or lease to blacks, he falsely accused four black boys, and a Hispanic one of raping a female jogger. Even though DNA evidence has since cleared them, as late as 2016 and while on the campaign trail, he still defamed their characters, and has never publicly apologized.
3. He raped his first wife! Ivana Trump, mother to three oldest children, once accused Trump of rape. However, Trump had the accusations and records sealed as part of the divorce agreement.
4. He is on tape saying he likes to grab women by the private parts. Remember this admission and the actions that cost Billy Bush, an NBC News anchor, his coveted position with the network.
5. Several Miss America contestants have accused him on inappropriate touching and/or being in their dressing rooms while they undressed.
6. Publicly questioned President Obama's citizenship, which led to the rise of the Birther Movement, which in turn forced President Obama to show a long form copy of his birth certificate. He led this campaign for five straight years.
7. A young lady who was a 13 year old when she encountered Trump, accused him of molesting her. She had a pending court case, as late as October of this year.
8. He has publicly called Mexicans rapists.
9. He has publicly called all Islamic citizens members of ISIS.
10. Brought former mistresses' of Bill Clinton to the second debate and sat them in the press box as an intimidation tactic towards Hillary, circled her like a vulture during the entire debate, and told her publicly that he was going to "lock her up."
Do I need to go on? So no, you will not normalize this man to me.
If you are that weak, and chicken hearted, that you want to play along to get along, go ahead, but don't criticize or open your mouth to me when I give him just as much disrespect, passive aggression, racism, Islamphobia, as his has given President Obama and so many others. If you are a Christian, with your "God is in control," and I am going to pray my way through shenanigans, you need to find another church and pastor, because you are being spiritually bamboozled. If you are white and saying, get over and let it go, this means your ass is too privileged to be affected by his shenanigans. If you are black and talking that get along foolishness, I am going to remind your black ass that you are indeed black, after I violently cuss (not curse) your stupid, Uncle Tom ass out! And until we find a suitable replacement for President Obama, he will always be my president, and the only Donald who I will acknowledge is Donald Duck.
Until next time....
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